Insomnia is taking over by lilxtina 2/11/2017 written by lilxtina I have never had insomnia before, this is the first time in my life. It is hell and making my depression even worse. Does anyone else have it? Or has anyone else had it? How did you deal with it? Continue Reading 2/11/2017 12 comments 0 Email
My Cure for Insomnia by NeverPerfect 5/31/2012 written by NeverPerfect Sometimes, my depression keeps me up for hours at night. When this happens, I roll around, trying a bunch of positions, until I find one where I can feel my heart beating. What I do is, every time my heart beats, I imagine being stabbed in the chest. With every beat, destroying what I hate. Stab. Stab. Stab. Until I’m dead. ….Then in the morning, I wake up and sob. Continue Reading 5/31/2012 2 comments 0 Email