Here I am sick with some sort of infection again. This time my swollen lymph node is in my groin. Usually they are in my neck or at the base of my skull. I’m sure when I see the doctor tomorrow they will do a blood draw and my WBC count will be elevated as always. I am so tired. I feel so sick. I have the runs and my psoriasis is spreading. My hair is falling out more and no one knows what is wrong with me. I am at the end of my rope. I am 31 and shouldn’t have to live a […]
Doctor Tomorrow
Finally, oblivious parents have recognized my bulimic ways and decided to get me help. I’m going to a doctor tomorrow and I’m actually eating full meals. I feel…. pretty good. I thought all hell was going to break loose if they found out, but they were more understanding than I thought they would be. My brother knows, and he choose to just ignore me instead of supporting, but he can go fuck himself for all I care.
My bulimia was the cause of all my strife. I’ve felt happier in the past two days than I have in a long time. Though it will take me […]