Why? Why is it that I feel useless? Why is it that people always find it so incredibly easy to leave me behind? I really don’t understand why I could possibly be so fucking useless and so hopeless that opening my eyes of a morning is the first and worst mistake I make of the day.
People always say “It’s a phase; you’ll grow out of it” or “You’re not really that sad, are you?” or, my personal favourite “I understand, you will be fine”
I wont be fine. I wont grow out of it. I am really that sad. It is such a challenge […]
I have been talking to a few close friends about this but not yet written it down, this site is a great idea, ive just joined and im looking forward to reading more-its somewhat refreshing to not only know others out there are feeling like ending their life but that interaction is also possible- which is important.
Im a mature student in my finial year of uni, i dont really drink or do drugs anymore, its taken me 8 years to get to this point as my teeneage years and general social circles are all based on booze.drinking was making me miserable, so i stopped or […]
I’ve been reading over a lot of the stories and tales on this website.
So many of you I can relate to. I wish I could meet up
With some of you just to hang out and I guess realize that we are all in this suffering, torment, saddness, depression. Together. I would like to know If anyone agrees. Or just your general thoughts about this site.