Lately it seems like everything is falling apart. I used to be so into church. God was everything to me. I finally got married to the woman of my dreams. I had a crush on her since i was just a boy. Everything seemed to be going great. We were married on July 28th 2012. Almost a year now. I had a great job, was a member of a wonderful church, and things seemed like they couldn’t get any better. Then i lost my job last December just before Christmas! Everything started to go down hill from there. Things seemed like they were going to […]
Tax Time
I’m a white, male, divorced (twice) smoker.
As tax time approaches I can’t help ut wonder if there is any real contribution that the unwashed require of me but to just shut the f* up and pay the f* up. I think april 15th should be a mass suicide day perpatrated by white males everywhere which would send the world economy into a tailspin of destruction with riots, looting and eventual collapse into the stone age.
Yes, I’m going to do it. Send my wealth off shore, fire the 28 people that work for me on the 13th and send a .38 through mu oblongota on the 15th. […]