Not from a suicide attempt- from a slight accident, staining the carpet of my rented accomodation, which, upon moving out of in a matter of weeks, they will charge me for.
Any suggestions?
Not from a suicide attempt- from a slight accident, staining the carpet of my rented accomodation, which, upon moving out of in a matter of weeks, they will charge me for.
Any suggestions?
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not the right place to ask. Also, the word carpet here means nothing because what matters is what the carpet is made of, whether it is synthetic, wool, etc
nicky was kind enough to send you the methods, but of not knowing why, sent to a deleted post. It’s still in the comments zone.
Here is my supplement.
It’s the protein in blood, hard to clean.
Don’t use hot water (hot water solidify protein in blood, making it hard to be cleaned)
There are many ways to clean. See what you’ve got, and try it on a small surface first.
..white carrot
..meshed red carrot with salt
..shampoo–wet the carpet first, then shampoo (it contains positive ions, can soften)
..smear with hand cream, sit for 15 minutes, then water and soap.
..10 % ammonium or 3 % hydrogen peroxide, then water to rinse.
@oracle: I’ve seen many off-topic posts on this website, and believe that I have posted enough on-topic posts (use the ‘Site Admin’ area to find aforementioned posts) concerning suicide and my own tendancies towards it to use the website, just for once, as a way of aquiring advice from people I often have conversations with about something I need help with, beyond suicide attempts. And to use this question as method to make me look ignorant of the uses of this website is contradictory in itself, concerning some of the rude responses you have posted to other topics. Moreover, perhaps the subject of this post itself will be able to help others. The content matter is not so detatched from the general atmosphere of this website to declare that it shouldn’t be posted here.
@fireflieslight: Thank you for the advice… I shall likely try shampooing tomorrow. Failing that, I might just have to buy a rug and hope for the best, ha ha.