something I wrote recently to reflect upon myself, this will most likely have little or no meaning to you.
Also, pay attention to the start of each line (lines start after periods).
Luminescence ov the Universe, swallowed whole by gaping jaws ov the Abyss.
Into the void I walk through it’s perpetual seamless gazing eyes ov torture.
Flames ov black fire, enraged with berserked fury.
Engulfs all life into smoldering cinder.
I inhale the ash of 6.6 Billion, earth choked out by its charred remnants.
Sulfur is the potent poison in my veins, corroding like acidic pools ov Tartarus, consuming me.
Visages of mortals projected in Astral Chaos.
Oblivion claims this worthless soul.
Impaled by infinite obscurity.
Devoured by the planes of eternal Chaos, and Void.
What’s the moral of this message?
Luminescence OV THE UNIVERSE, sWALLOWed whole by gaping jaws ov the abyss.
INTO THE VOID I walk through ItS perpetual seamless gazing eyes ov TORTURE.
flames ov black fire, enraged with BERSERKED fury.
engulfs all LIFE into smoldering cinder.
i inhale the ash of 6.6 billion, EARTH choked out by itS charred remnants.
sulfur is the POTENT poison in my veins, corroding like acidic pools ov tartarus, consuming me.
visages of MORTALS projected in astral chaos.
oblivion CLAIMs this worthless soul.
impaled by INFINITE obscurity.
devoured by the PLANES of eternal Chaos, and void.
what’S the moral of this MESSAGE?
Untitled… ?
@Malfeitor: The moral is Life is void.