Ok, my original plan was to utilise an exit bag, along with the consumption of a sizeable quantity of Olanzapine mixed with alcohol. Further research has uncovered a slightly more effective method. I now plan to use an exit bag, combined with a helium cannister to ensure I lose consciousness quickly. I’ve got all the equipment I need, including a cable to deliver the gas into the bag, but I have just one question. It is suggested that a new valve assembly be added to the cannister. I’m not really sure why, I was thinking of just using the valve supplied with the cannister to connect the cable to the bag. Does this sound like a bad idea? Will it impede effective delivery of the gas?
Make a back-up just incase.
Well, there’s nothing wrong with careful planning. Measure twice, cut once, right? I’m probably going to take the pills anyway. Why not maximise my chances?
Then max out! Do what you feel. Just make sure you’re not waking up through half-way of the pain.
The new valve is simply so someone can measure a cut-off time for the gas so it doesn’t fill the living complex and harm anyone else
I tried this method before but made a mistake which is obviously why I’m still typing this today ;-/ I don’t want to give out specific advice, but be sure to follow the directions from Final Exit to a tee. I think the valve is so that the flow of helium slowly disperses instead of rushing out quickly. I’m not 100% positive though.
Hi lost4ever, could you tell me what went wrong with your endeavour? Obviously I’m hoping this will be the first and final time I try this method, so I’m keen to minimise any mistakes I might make. Appreciate your input.
Listen all… instead of planning your end, can’t we work half as hard to try to stop it. Think of those that will hurt so badly for you. If you think that there is no one, there is me. I will mourn tragically for you. I love you all.
Hi… I’m new to this site, but stumbled across your post and have a few questions. I’ve made up my mind about suicide, I just am still researching the methods. I’m thinking of hanging myself but then I read about what your plans are. Can you maybe give me some details- like how to make the bag, how long you need, where to get the helium…? I want a 100% certainty that it’s going to work, hence the research. I’m hoping that next week, when I have time off from work I can complete my plan. If you don’t want to post it on here, let me know and I can give you my email address. I would really appreciate any help though. I have limited internet access and so half the stuff I look up is blocked. Thanks so much.
I am trying to determine if a regulator is even necessary. Sadly I am poor and there is no way I can afford it. I have thought about purchasing a larger tank or using two, except that it doesn’t make sense to use both of them at the same time. If things work correctly I will be unconscious and unable to turn on the second tank.
I haven’t been able to read Final Exit or The Peaceful Pill Handbook because of the cost. Do either of them have a method that doesn’t require a regulator? I just want to go calmly.