When will I know… tonight… tomorrow… one of these days I wont be such a loser, a failure, a 98% completer… One of these days I will find my courage. I will show everyone that I can complete something I set my mind to. When will be the day that life hurts more then death… I have no idea what death feels like but I do know misery. Death occures in a split sec. Misery follows me thoughout my day, in my dreams. I have come to terms with choosing to end my life when I want to. Take a really good look at thing around you. Life sucks I hope death provides some comfort. Guess its like a baby in the womb. Wont know whats out there until I get there. The only thing I want today is for my life to end. I am choosing The Exit Bag hooked to ********. Unlike Carbon Monoxide Nitro will not cause convultions or spasms. It is very peaceful. So enjoy your life… cause mine sucked…
Mine really sucked 10 years ago..and i jumped to a train.. i lose my 2 legs..2 years later i got the best man in the world…we got marry and we have a wonderfoul life..there is a plan for you too..
If you’ve come back to read this, then I hope you choose to live.
BFNFGMHG,HJ.JK./ Wht do you find life hard think about it. And the only way is helium