I feel so alone and attempted to die with pills but it only caused vomitting and made me look like a sick freak to my family even though they don’t know what happened. I realized that that was a bad method and made me look like a bigger freak to my family for getting sick. Please someone tell me where to get easier access to potassium cyanide. Is it possible to get it without a license please If someone has it I will buy it please email at hnli374@gmail.com. The pain is too much and also is sodium nitrite a good poison That could work ? Please comment and let me know. thanks all
Just to clarify my email is hnli375@gmail.com
thanks everyone and please help
hani3 have you looked at helium method? any way why you whant to exit for?
a good thing is coming here on this site…now just tell what you want to share and let help come to you
I have some kcn still left with me aprox 50 grams. Mail me at rakesh1_90@hotmail.com
@hani, suicide is the last option. Maybe you should share your feelings first?
@Rakesh you exploitative f*ck, if that was the solution why are u still here? Because you are profiting off the death of vulnerable people you sick bastard. Administrator?
has everyone left this site.need some one to talk to 🙁