Hydrogen Sulfide gas is highly toxic and stinks terribly. It’s often used in suicides where the victim turns their car into a gas chamber. Do you think it ruins the upholstery? I would assume so, since cigarette smoke can be smelled if a smoker drove the car. But they have ways of cleaning it. I wonder if it’s possible with hydrogen sulfide or if it has to be completely reupholstered. Not that the suicide victim has use for it, but it is an asset than can be left to people they care about.
Sounds like someone’s hoping to inherit…
I’m not anti-suicide at all, but what a question! I doubt it’s really ‘an asset than can be left to people they care about’ because who’d want to drive round in a car their mother/husband/friend/whoever died in?! Plus the point about the smell, but seriously this made me laugh so hard. It’s hardly the thing you’d want to inheret after they’ve dragged your friend’s rotting corpse out of it, y’know.
I was thinking more about resale value.
On the edge of taking your own life, and this is what is bothering you? Something about your concern tells me that you’re not really ready to die and you should reconsider your situation. If you are this worried about what will happen to your car after your death, it is clear that you still have some interest in life. You should pursue that path.
Where do you live anonmn? Is that the method your using do you know exactly what to do cause i’ve looked into the h2s method aka japanese detergent suicide and i liked the sound of it but was a bit confused on how exactly to do it like yeah i’d do it in a car but like what exactly do you buy and how much?