I’m 20 and my life feels so depressing my grades are bad to the point where I won’t be able to well to conentrate I have extreme anxiety so can’t focus on much of anything without thinking I may fail. I feel so behind in life and the pain is constant no one understands and just tells me to do better but I feel hopeless and depressed about myself that it’s hard to have any motivation. I’ve attempted with pain killer drugs and took 15 at once but just threw up the whole day and made me look like a sick, weak person that always looks I’ll to
Your got to fined some one to talk to like a teacher or counsellor.
Maybe your not a academic & school/ college not for you? Fined a volitional course
Where is all the pressure coming from? People fails tests all the time, the world will continue to turn….take a breath, step back from everything…it’s not that big a deal. There’s no such thing as being behind in life…you’re exactly where you need to be. We try to live up to the so called expectations of our parents….(their expectations come from their FEAR about whatever)…then they project that or put that on to their kids….making them think that if they succeed at school or whatever, life will be perfect. Doesn’t work that way. Stop listening to other people, listen to yourself and find a counselor that will support you as you find your way. Not knowing the way is okay…that’s honest, but do not gang up on yourself and stress yourself out further….Have a beer….you are more powerful than you know to make choices.
Hey i get bad anxiety have you gone to see a doctor have you tried meds or therapy can help?