I long for silence. An end to the tempest inside my mind. A place where quiet reigns and pain fades away. A silence unlike any other. Almost as if it were an auditory black hole. Pulling my pain and suffering away into oblivion. Created by the explosion of the star that was my soul. My life fades into the darkness that consumes. Soon there is nothing left but silence. A quiet so loud it could shatter the stone that is my heart. This isn’t what I dreamed. This isn’t how I thought it would be. The silence is tearing me apart. I grasp for a hold on reality. Now the calm has killed the storm. I lie broken on the shores of my subconscious. In a world that has become my prison. I cry out for help but no one hears. My voice erased by the silence of my tears.
1 comment
Wow. It’s quite great to know there’s somewhere out there who feels pretty much exactly the same way I do. Hope you are still okay