It hits me
like a wave
crushing my lungs
and my will to be
until I’m left gasping
and faltering
and fidgeting
or anything
just to breathe
Trying not to drown
not let it overcome
and overwhelm
or anything at all
Then I find it
because I know
that I truly need it
it’s my life jacket
when that wave engulfs me
And finally I can breathe
my sigh of relief
when I make myself bleed
You want a life jacket
i found a make-shift one for now
Can you buy a fined a better one?
i hope so
If you need to talk about
I talk and go to therapy, but this doesn’t even have a reason It’s just a feeling I get randomly…like a crack addict jonesing for his next fix or like I how i described it above. I don’t really know or understand it, but thanks
Why you cuttin for ok you hate your self why?
you feel ugle shit at school/or shit job on cash?
honestly, i really have to clue, my life isn’t terrible, I know lots of people who have it way worse. I mean theres shit about my life I wish I could change, but that isn’t really why I get down. Who know’s maybe I’m a robot and Im malfunctioning
Some thing up with you?
This sounds like how I feel when I have a panic attack. It gets better though, always does.