how did I get here
how did i become this
this person I see in the mirror
eyes that stare back at mine
look so forlorn and yet sinister
this person whose life I am witnessing
listening to the words coming from her lips
hearing the things that she hears
seeing and knowing
but never doing
when did she take control
when did i lose it
where will she take us next
perhaps death
Hopefully not.. or maybe so? I hope not, im trying so FUCKING (ahem) hard to pull myself away from that option.
I feel like i know what youre saying though. Hope you’re ok-ish xxx will will pull through.I will help you.
beautiful writing. <3
nikki, don’t worry. I don’t plan on killing myself anytime soon. There are too many people in my life that need me. I just like to come here to tell people how i really feel; to take my mask off.