absolutly the wrong name and worst name, but there we go, lol. i have been told mt feeling are all frm my relationships, and that it’s the loss alone…ALONE that has made me feel this way. and that if another girl comes along, no matter what id feel 10x better. this…an absolute lie!!! but i will humor this, if any females out there feeling as i do, would like to connect, email me apkelly187@live.co.uk. I’d gladly chat about your feeling and so forth, but would like to show, and to be honest this is to myself aswell as my friend, that a female in my life, is not what drives me.
I would to chat with u, or anyone, i alrady add u
So you want to prove to yourself that if you started talking to other girls, you would still be depressed? Either you remain depressed and wallow with some girl in an online chat, or you hit it off with her, proving your friends correct. I don’t understand.