Why do I even go? It’s not like I can really talk to them?
They probably tell anyone who would listen.. especially my family.
Why do I even go? It’s not like I can really talk to them?
They probably tell anyone who would listen.. especially my family.
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I just stopped going to mine.. I decided it wasn’t helping.. I will always feel this way.
If they don’t help, don’t go.
Unless they give you hope.
I’ve never been to any of those. But if I have to go, they will have to force me. I’ll much rather be lock up then to chat my life stories with complete strangers. If you can’t talk, then there’s no use in going.
I’ll probably stop going, I reckon.
Sometimes it is nice though, someone trying to figure out what’s wrong with you.. with mine I ended up making her think one thing completely away from what’s really going on… It was fun for a while