well my suicide will be by pills. I have researched for hours and stuff like that. I finally found the right mix of pills that will most likely kill me, I don’t know any other way, because pills are the only way I could do it. I’m too freaking lonely. sure, being alone is a good thing sometimes, but not every day of every year. I can’t socialize because of where I live, and it’s too hard trying to hold on. still need to write a few suicide notes, that’ll take a while though..
so im curious, whats this mix of pills??
I’m not going to say it on here but I can email you if you want
can you email me whats this mix of pills?? are im 48 years want to end my life vary soon
ok you know what? I’m sorry you want to end your life, I do too. but I’m not gonna tell you myself if its to kill yourself. I couldn’t live with that, not that I’m gonna be alive much longer anyway, sorry.
Hey I don’t know exactly how you feel but I’m in the same situation. I hate being alone and each day is a step closer to my death. Good luck :/……
Would this be ******** by any change?
um no, they’re all different from that
Bet money you won’t go…just make yourself sick. If you understood your energetic make-up you’d understand that the amount of energy it takes to drive your spirit out of your body is a lot. Unless it’s powerful it won’t work. I just remember how I felt when I woke up after…ugh…pain. I wish an easier time for you.
Hence the more extreme measures. Take care.
well they’re pretty strong pills, once I took 4 pills of one of the bottles and it knocked me unconsious for half a day, and I now know what other pills to mix them with when I’m ready to commit suicide.