I’m sick of this. I can’t take it anymore. I’m lonely. I’m so damn lonely it’s going to kill me. I HATE BEING ALONE. I’m tired of crying my eyes out every minute of every day. I’m gonna take a bunch of sleeping pills before I go to bed. that obviously works for other people, it should work for me too.
Please don’t do it. Life can get better. You can enjoy life.
yeah, not the way I am right now. I hate myself. I’m so lonely, I’ll never be happy again. I miss that feeling
You can change; you can get help. You can be happy again.
Sleeping pills don’t always work, normally they don’t… You end up vomiting after you go unconscious, and start breathing again– and it can cause permanent brain damage with you still alive.
You also can’t feel when you’re dead… So, there would be no happiness to be felt, sadly. You will be happy again, even those small moments where someone makes you laugh about something stupid count.
People do care, and I feel the same way you do right now everyday, and I’m still pulling through. You can be strong. You have been, I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’ve felt this way if you’re thinking of suicide.
I care, if I was there, I’d be hugging you right now. I know how you feel, and it sucks, but you can make it. It may not feel like it now, but you can.
no I can’t! not from where I’m living, anyway. nothing anyone says ever helps. I’ve made myself so isolated far beyond help.
It can cause* :/
Then stop isolating yourself, if you posted this here, some part of your brain has some small amount of hope for the future and still wants to live. And we want you to, as well.
sorry, that last thing I said was for will692
but what you said, I’m kind of scared to overdose from pills, but I just saw this episode of a show I watch, I know how I could hang myself, so if I want to die I’ll probably do that
Reach out to anyone you can for help. You will be able to find someone who can help you.
Hanging yourself could cause you to live with permanent neck damage, and mostly causes suffering… Really *bad* suffering from 30 minutes or more of it.
Shows dramatize things (Especially if it’s Law & Order ) and usually tend to be wrong.
@will692, I’ve already reached out, or actually 2 people reached out to me, I thought that was good, I thought I would be better. but after they saw my scars, my dad took away my knife. now I can’t cut anymore. which really sucks for me.
@ThatPsychoBitch, it wasn’t law & order. and I really wanna die, so I’m willing to try hanging myself. I don’t mind physical pain. my mental pain is far more hurtful than my physical.
Please reach out to more people. Your dad was just trying to help; please let him.
no he doesn’t. he just doesn’t want scars on my arm because he’s a really important missionary here, and if anyone else finds out his daughter carves her arm, he would be degraded. he’s so verbally mean. so he’s no help.
There are other people that can help you.
um not really. I just told one of my friends, now they’re pissed off at me, cause they said they have problems of their own.