I was in a really bad place last night, just freaking out and over whelmed. i tried to call friends, and nobody answered. I tried to call the suicide hotline and was on hold too long. I tried to distract myself and failed. I ended up cutting a lot. Now I’m covered with cuts, I probably should have gotten stitches on one of them, but I didn’t. I can’t wear long sleeves at work, and I work all weekend. I’m trying so hard to keep people at work from finding out, and maintain a “normal” facade. I think I’m probably failing on all accounts. Really I’m a failure all around. I can’t do anything right. I hate myself. I’m so tired of trying. I’m tired of failing. I’m tired of life.
Please read some of my posts…
I hope they help.
call the crisis center that lives near you it might help
write me at anniemusic0282@gmail.com id like to talk about it.