I don’t get it.. I’m not happy cause of this, cause I love her but I don’t feel loved it hurts a lot, so painful.. I don’t think she even know’s how much she hurts me. She uses this website too and she’s the one that got me using it.. I tell her I love her everyday and I always care about her.. Whenever she’s feeling down or crying I always talk to her on the phone and make her happy. She tell’s me she need’s time so I have to wait.. Wait for her… If she did feel the same about me she wouldn’t make me wait but she is also going through a hard time too, but I make it better If I make her happy shouldn’t she be going for me… Screw this.. She’s always flirting with other guys and tells me not to worry about it.. Like It’s ok to flirt with other guy’s it’s not don’t you guys think its not… She’s talking to this guy I hate so much… Her ex bf who took her away from me.. Turned her against me and told me to go cut myself even though she cuts herself.. Like its a joke but it’s not.. Wow I wanted to beat the shit out of him… It’s not worth it though.. In other words I want her to tell me she loves me everyday.. Whenever I’m feeling down why can’t she talk to me and make me feel better.. Leave me long texts to wake up in the morning telling me how much she loves me… Somedays we never even talk cause she wants to get away from the world.. She doesn’t tell me whats wrong with her. Always keeps everything away from me and never tells me whats bothering her like she doesn’t trust me or that I can’t help but maybe I can.. Yeah well Life sucks..
Girl’s don’t usually make a lot of sense. I would know because i am one. We do messed up things, things that don’t make sense. And at the time we feel like we are doing the right thing, we push away the people we want/need the most. maybe this girl is insecure about herself? or there could be a number f other reasons why things aren’t working out the way you want them to. Liking someone who doesn’t necessarily like you back is horrible, it makes you feel like crap most of the time, you start to question yourself; like are you good enough? but you ARE. You can hold on for this girl, who sounds like she might just playing you or maybe just isn’t ready for a relationship, or you can move on, and find someone else, i know its easier said than done but is this girl really worth all that hassle, all the upset? Good luck 😀
I have no idea what she’s thinking right now.. She doesn’t tell me anything.. But thanks for telling me that.. Yes it’s worth it I’m in love with her..
If she’s not making you happy maybe you should find someone else. I know your in love with so try talking about it with her. Tell her everything that bothers you. But with her flirting with other guys, chances are your end up hurt in the end, me I would leave but I don’t know the exact situation. Hope I helped at least a little.
She’s probably not right for you anyhow from what I heard. But idk, I’m just a random teenager on this sight attempting to help.
Real Romantic love is love that is returned. In the media, they romanticize longing –but longing for love isn’t love. We are all responsible for are own happiness-and we are all capable of giving it to ourselves! And from this can grow loving relationships-friendship or romantic. We can’t give what we don’t first have for ourselves. Check out the book You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay–and Hay House Radio! Learn to love yourself-be your own best friend and then find a lover who loves themselves-they will be capable of returning your sweet love! It wasn’t until I learned to Really Love & Accept Myself that I found fulfilling and reciprocal love in my life-which we ALL deserve! Big Hug!
I think she’s not returning the love cause she has a very good reason not to.. We do have good moments and we sometimes have bad.. Which is fighting, talking fighting not other kind, idk I think it’s good when we fight like that cause it’s not even fighting for us but a problem solver.. Pretty much the only way I can find out what’s bothering her. Yeah kind of weird but that’s just how we are. Thanks for the help. She is my life and I just want her to be happy.
Good Luck with your situation, but i think you are doing the right thing; if you need any advice or feel free to email me at livelovelaugh1313@hotmail.co.uk
Hope everything works out 😀
Thanks I think I’m doing the right thing too.
Wth dude you don’t know her so you wouldn’t know that.
Love and Light! I rejoice in the love I encounter every day!
I see it in the flowers, the sky, happy & positive music, silly comedies, nature, my sweet pets, and all around. (I have to look for it but I always find it!). I remember a bad heartbreak, and it dawned on me…if I loved myself as much as I loved him…Wow-my life would be great! And it is now that I really love ME!
It’s like that really, really old song…Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative! It’s a things I am still learning–but I am so much happier now! I’ve cut out so much negative entertainment, music, people–and I seek out the positive–whereas before I accentuated the negative & didn’t seek out with passion the positive. We all deserve a Beautiful, Fun Life!!
Blessings to all who read this!!
i see her everyday, she’s kinda friends with me but when shes with her friends she still talks to me but she doesn’t even look at me. When i’m on facebook she’s never on, when she’s on we have such a good time then she logs off when i’m waiting for her reply. i waited all night but she doesn’t talk to me. Her sister found out that i loved her alot then she cut my leg. i sat there on the ground crying my eyes out for 2 hours. when i see her i try to talk to her she ignores me. I love her but i’m afraid to tell her my feelings because of everyone around me. When i found out she got a boyfriend i almost hung myself. I imagine my hands in hers, i imagine her arms in mine, i imagine her beautiful face in my dreams. she’s the reason i haven’t killed myself already. Her name is Elyssa Short.
ok dont want to sound like a hypocrite but iwishshecoseme, if it hasnt worked itself out already it will, i am in a similar boat, but with me she keeps falling for someone who doesnt even know his feelings about her, the other guy has know her longer and thats the only reason why she keeps going back, they have been on and off again for several years and im trying to give her an escape but she doesnt seem to want it, when we were talking about it the other day her roommate came in and agreed that what she was doing was unhealthy but she wouldnt listen, i love her because she is the nicest and most forgiving person i know, she doesnt want to ruin our friendship if we date but im starting to realize thats a lie, she used to care for me but now she always runs back to the other guy because she is scared of the unknown a bit, and it is hurting her emotionally and that hurts me, i just want what is best for her even if that isnt me but i know its not this other guy either, they have been in a downward spiral for 4 yeas, ive only know her for 1, and me and her were really close but whenever she thinks of him and their past she closes herself off to me, im starting to doubt why i stay, i keep coming back when she calls. if anyone on here has any advice i’d love to hear it.