I cringe every single time I see a photo of me. There’s nothing good about me. My hair never goes right, I’m fat, I can’t smile, I am just not good to look at all together. Part of my daily routine is to just look in the mirror and wish continuously that I was someone else.
It’s a shame people care so much about the superficial appearances. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and when you embrace it, it shines outwards and everyone can see just how beautiful you are.
I’m exactly the same, I hate every photo of me too.. Most of them anyway.
I’m not fat and I suppose I’m not bad looking but I have flaws and insecurities I really don’t like.. Every picture I take of myself, before I save it or post it on twitter (or facebook but I don’t use that anymore) I have to edit it on photoshop just to try and make myself look as good as I can/
Like 1629 said.. It’s a shame people care so much about superficial appearances and it’s true. I can’t help it though, I always look at other people I wish that was me or just think and wish I was someone else. When I die I’m so hopeful for another life, to be reborn or whatever because I wanna have a second chance at life. Hopefully be someone more attractive or with less flaws, to not have all the anxiety, insecurities, depression, suicidal thoughts, memories, self esteem issues and everything else I have.
i feel the same about myself as well. When i was 7 (im 11 now) i cut my eyelashes and eyebrows off completely coz they kept making fun of me. I agree with 1629 but we as human beings cannot help it… thats how we are born
one of the few great things about depression is that if you get deep enough into it, you start to not care about your appearance. I used to have all the same hangups; couldn’t go out in short sleeves or shorts (if you live in toronto and have witnessed a nutbar walking around in a turtleneck during heat warnings, that’s me).