(lycanthropy) A more modern use of the word is in reference to a mental illness called lycanthropy in which a patient believes he or she is, or has transformed into, an animal and behaves accordingly. This is sometimes referred to as clinical lycanthropy to distinguish it from its use in legends.
Maybe i was cursed. Cause the wolf knew i wanted death.
And why does Dr dolittle need help, he gest help if he wants it, if he wants to have Lycanthrophy then he can, that is his choice and his alone.
I am sick of people sayingother people nedd help…I hate phsychairy and psycology becuase they are used as social control.
Just leave Dr dolittle as he his.
Lol people are fuckin funny
So why you here? You need a shoulder.
i believe he is a real werewolf!
I don’t what the fuck he is. I think I’m goin to go through a scientific pursuit and find out what the fuck is goin on here before more people get hurt. I don’t have much time.