Teach me how to die.Teach me how to lie.Teach me how to get over myself.Teach me your tricks.Teach me your plan.I wanna know!How are you all so perfect?
Teach me how to die.Teach me how to lie.Teach me how to get over myself.Teach me your tricks.Teach me your plan.I wanna know!How are you all so perfect?
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Make your close to god by attending your religious place. Christian go to Rome, Muslim go to Mecca, Buddhist visit my hometown we got biggest Buddhist temple (Sleeping Buddha) in South East Asia. Else just enjoy your self there are many beautiful thing to do in this world. Do not waste your life. For me, no one is perfect but you can make your self perfect, just enjoy your life. If you think you are not perfect then you are wrong because there are many people that not so perfect but they do not waste their life.
I am will teach you the way of the Perfect People. Come to me my child so we may travel away from this demented place. Travel to a magical, far away place where the sun is always shining the air smells like warm root beer. Where the shiners and the lepers play their ukuleles all day long and anyone on the street will gladly shave your back for a nickel. And you can eat your soup right out of the ash trays if you wanna. It’s okay, their clean.
@TC; Ever done time at Camp Pendleton? In Oceanside?
Yea why? I didn’t mind Oceanside too much, but I LOVED San Diego
I’m tryin to go to Camp Pendleton next
You live near there?
Lol I got mad stories about Camp Pendleton. I went to Boot Camp in MCRD, trained in Camp Pendleton, had some fun in San Diego, and more fun in O SIDE!!!
My stomping grounds…. Jarheads occupied my county…..foreigners from the MidWest, Ughhh……go back to the central time zone….ugh….or become friends with one_way….it’s that bad….ugh…..
I was born and went to K_12 in San Diego county
What the fucks that supposed to mean become friends with people like one_day?
It means my country got over ran by a bunch of loud mouths…..my country used to be a nice place….
Lucy say what you want about me, cuz your probably right, I’m a pretty selfish fuck
But don’t be saying shit about anyone else, especially someone who’s been on here just giving you helpful advice and you just fucking shoot that shit back in their face? What the fuck kind of person does that? Lucy, be fucking cool. No one’s trying to put you down or anyhting like that, just don’t judge people before getting to know them
TC: No offense brother.
None taken but I’m not the person who’s taking offense. I think you need to apologize to one_day, if not on here, then email her.
This is the thread jacking he was talking about?…..I don’t care feel free to have a conversation on my post.No Biggie!(:TC you’re world sounds a little um…FANTASTIC!