Today i was in my kitchen, cutting meat with a big knife. Before i knew what i was doing, i had slit my wrist slightly. Before realization hit, i just stood and watched the blood begin to fall from my arm down to the counter. thats when i had a thought, if i could do that and handle the pain why not do what i always wanted? Even when my reason for living would be devastated, i would be selfish and do it just because. Could i do what my best friend had done to me, to him? She did it because she couldn’t handle seeing me like this, but he doesn’t know anything about my cutting. He believes my lies.
Very few actually die from cutting a wrist.
Seek help.
Most are just “cutters” it gives them a sensation of pain that is greater than the pain they feel emotionally.
Look up on the net the right way to do it, warm bath water, long deep cuts the lenght of the arm, tendons block access to the vital viens.
The femral arterie in the groin area are deep yet once severed a person can bleed out in 3 to 5 minutes.
Go to a professional and talk about the cutting fantasy, there are many meds that can be very helpful.
Caucajun has the right idea.
I agree with him.