I mean, really. Â I’ve been through quite a bit, and have been down the suicide route. If someone offs themselves, why is that selfish? It’s selfish of the person claiming it’s selfish to not understand what drives someone to suicide. I think there’s a certain amount of independence and nobility in suicide that isn’t ever really talked about. Now I’m not saying go kill yourself. But at a certain point, even thinking about suicide as much as some have is very tiring, I’m sure.
Maybe all of the negative stigma about suicide has been even just enough to push someone over the edge?
My mother was raped when se was 12 The Ethiopian government SOLD ME AWAY to white child abusers instead of providing her with a safe and sane abortion.
But somehow it is all…my fault!!?
Suicide is basically an issue of choice. Those that commit it feel that they cannot control what is happening around them, except for their own presence there. That’s why suicide is linked to tragedies (past, present, and future).
I see the logic behind people labeling suicide as a selfish act, because it is a selfish act if you think about it. The individual is killing him/herself, causing pain and suffering to friends and family as well as costing money for burial. It’s entirely to satisfy their own feelings, not taking into account the impact it may have on others. That’s virtually the definition of selfish.
However, that isn’t to say that it’s completely the individual’s fault. Depression is a complete ***** to fight against, and it can often lead to the unthinkable. So the act itself may be selfish, but the individual may not be selfish.
That’s true, but I think that the negative stigma has actually saved more lives than it has facilitated deaths.