Why is it that u can get scared to kill yourself? i have waited so long, yet when i get the chance im scared of the pain. why would i be when just living is a worse pain then stabbing yourself? I read somewhere that when you are scared it means you actually dont want to do it. But i KNOW this is what i need to do. leave a note? or just leave so its less painful? there are so many questions to be answered about suicide. Â Sometimes even when there are happy stuff in your life, you still want to die. but i guess as they say ” Life is worth the wait.” Or is it?
No matter how determined you are there is a lot to be afraid of in your final act. A botched attempt can put you in a much worse position than you were in before. Good luck trying to hang yourself when you have paralysis. Not to mention the time you will have to spend under observation being in a medicated sleep for weeks at a time and the times you are awake being strapped down.
Plus there is a biological aversion to death that can be hard to overcome. With a lot of gun-related suicides the cops will find what they call hesitation marks. Bullet holes in the ceiling where someone slipped the gun away from them right before firing.
It doesn’t mean you don’t want to die. It just means you’re human.
I want to die by stabbing yourself in the heart im not scared of the pain
@hopetodie I think you mean “stab myself”, unless your plan is to stab me in the heart to kill yourself. Though that would save me some effort I would reconsider the process if I were you. Sorry if that sounds condescending. I’m just a stickler for vocabulary sometimes.
Anyways that’s fine for you, but it’s not necessarily the experience everyone has. I’ve had a couple failed attempts and since then have obsessed over how I would exit to make sure there is no chance of living & to ease any last minute suffering. I already have the plan so no need for tips. Just saying suicide can be a lot to consider.
A lot to consider is right..
As someone who wants to die and had the chance to get a shotgun and end it today its simply natural fear. We are all taught to be afraid of death and through millenniums of avoiding death the fear of it is ingrained in humanity’s dna. I want death but the fear prevents me from acting.
Same. i get that feeling its wrng or sumthin. im very clumsy so sometimes i just wish when i by accident fall down stairs or trip that it would be the worst and end up taking my life. yet every time it knocks me out i always wake up..
sorry i mean “stab myself in the heart to die and don,t care about the pain
@ hopetodie, I’ve han an idea to stab myself with an accupuncture needle, but one black raven looked to me through the window(that was mystic!) and I’ll tell-it was painful, just I was unable to stab.
I think I know the reason-people are able to do such cruel things for themselves when somebody tries to catch them, they know thah sth bad is waiting for them and so on.They’ve a reason to risk so much.
Why to risk so much without a serious reason.I know life’s hard, but I think you need to have a big threat to do this.You need special energy.
The natural instinct of the animal is to survive at all costs.
Add in the possible consequences of failure that are worse than your life already is and fear is inevitable for some.
To me life is not and has never been worth it.
I wish my first attempt had succeeded and I would have been pain and fear ridden for all these years.
But finally I have gotten over that and once all it set up and done I am out of here.
Free from this cesspool.