I may not be the beautiful girl with the perfect life or gorgeous boyfriend, but i use to be happy with how i was and to have people that loved me. I was diagnosed with depression when i was 11. i have been a cutter since i was 12. Suicide will one day be my way out of this horrible life. My father once told me is was selfish to be depressed and be suicide when there are lots of people in the world with worse problems. The thing is,  is that how do u help the way u feel? Its like love, how do u control  who u fall in love with? After i was told this i started hating myself more for hating everything i had.  I have scars all over myself from cutting. My family has seen them but has not said anything. I once told my mother and father about what i had done. They just got angry for trying to take the attention away from other things.  Soon i will get the peace i want. To finally be happy.
Hi. What is your name? Im so sorry your parents have no idea of how to deal with what you are going through. Thats basically why the react the way they do cause they just have no idea what the fuck is going on. How old are you? I would like to hear what you have to say if you want. Take care.
Im mary. Yea one is in the military and has never known how to deal with family problems let alone problems.
I understand what you’re going through. I used to do a lot of mutilation myself and I have scars and cigarette burns going down my left arm. I have to try to keep a jacket on year around (which can be unbearable where I live) to avoid any glares. I suppose in your situation I would give the same advice I already gave someone else in their post. Try to hold off for a couple of years and move away from your parents at the first chance you get. You never know how things could be if you don’t take the chance to see. Then if all else fails you can save suicide as a plan B.