im not trying to score any points here. but A.S initals of the most important person in my life. shes my girlfriend as well as my best friend. i was lost until her. not syaing im found now but it helps a lot knowing that there is someone there. i wanted to say this because for the people who dont think there is something or someone out there who can save u…. ur fucking wrong. im here you have me. someone is there. go find em.
Sounds like an angel…Someone’s got your back.
Hold on to her she sounds like a keeper but u cant say that there someone for everyone it just couldnt be
I’m glad you were able to find happiness but its unreasonable to say everyone has someone. The courts are littered with people who are divorced because they thought they had someone. I’m happy for you though.
People are basically looking for what they lack. They find those who have in abundance what they have very little of as an object of desire. These other people that we make “connections” with are just filling for the holes in our being. But these connections are rooted in nothing but either person’s shortcomings. It is transitory, fragile, and worthless to either person if a better filler is found or if either fills these holes for themselves. That is why the divorce courts are always filled. There is no real honor, morality, or loyalty among mankind. There is only temporary use and abuse of others while it is convenient.
there is someone. there is 6.6 billion people on this earth…. trust me theres someone. haha
I’ve never dated, never been in love…
But I’m sure you can find someone…
i love you ^^ in a very special individual way. were all the same and all connected in some way. just know there is someone out there. there always will be.