For ********? I’m desperate and will travel by bus to Tijuana to get it….but I would like a reliable source first.
For ********? I’m desperate and will travel by bus to Tijuana to get it….but I would like a reliable source first.
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This is why my drug of choice was alcohol. I could buy it at a hundred places within a 5 mile radius. Drugs are too much of a pain in the ass to get a hold of. Even prescriptions. You have to keep refilling them. YAWN!
True! I don’t want 2 get high though, I want to die. But die a peaceful, calm and sure death. I saw a documentary last night and know that’s what Dr.’s use in states where assisted suicide is legal. Heard you can get it from vets stores in Mexico (vets use it to put animals to sleep)….but I don’t want to roam the streets without a source.
“The harmful use of alcohol is especially fatal for younger age groups and alcohol is the world’s leading risk factor for death among males aged 15-59,” the report found.
Just saying…
Lots of people drink themselves to death. All the time. My friend, Jenna, went to rehab because she was an alcoholic. One of the other girls there was an alcoholic too.. Also a mother of young children. As soon as that girl got out, she relapsed, drank just as much as she normally would have, and, after being sober and detoxed, died.
Or you could be really unlucky, like a certain uncle of mine, drink your entire life and your liver never giving out…just sayin’.
My grandfather and aunt both died from alcohol.
@hbmom, I’m sorry to hear that. I have a bunch of addicts in my family, from alcohol to drugs and to my suprise none of them have died yet. That sounds mean but, I’m just shocked at how much the body can take.
I KNOW, HUH! Once, when I was on Wellbutrin, I drank so much I passed out and began vomiting in my sleep. My husband was there and got me up. Could’ve choked and died had he not. I’m not even gonna get into how many times I drunk and drove. I should be dead and I could have killed many people including my children. There but for the grace of God go I.
Oh my, thankfully no one got killed. Did those experiences kind of wake you up and make you want to live or did they make it worse?
I had an epiphany about 3 months before my Aunt died. Grace is all I can say. I stopped drinking and never went back. After years of not drinking, my depression is much better. I’m way more in control of my emotions. I look back on my drinking and I feel terrible that I exposed my children to it at all, but they were pretty young and now know how destructive alcohol is. Neither one drinks or does drugs because of my battle.
That’s good that you aren’t drinking anymore. And driving! Oh no.
I’m kind of like your kids, being surrounded by family members struggling with addictions turned me off as well.
Goodgirl: hang tuff. If you are prone to depression, drinking booze is the worst thing you can do. It really encourages suicidal ideas.
Yes, I’m prone to it. Jeez, that’s all I need. It helps though, that I have this fear of becoming an alcoholic. Like, literally, a fear of drinking too much. lol
Good. Remember it is cunning, baffling and powerful. Once it gets a hold of you, it is a ***** to break free from. People think they can control it. But they can’t. They try to stop drinking and they realize how screwed they are. They can’t! And it sneaks up on you… before you know it, you’re hooked. Drinking every day… waking up with the shakes. Trying to plan your day around drinking. Buying bottles while your visiting family ’cause you don’t want them to know how much you are consuming. It’s shameful. Don’t get started is the best advice I can give young people.
“People think they can control it. But they can’t.” Sooo true.
And good advice it is, thank you. :]
Erm, that might now work, nikster…
@TheGoodGirl okkk know anywhere I can find a nitro tank? I heard ******** was better and more effective than using Helium because folks here said Helium can cause twitching while you’re unconscious and the plastic hood slips off your head from all the movement. I’m trying to get it right the first time.
Nikster, you’re asking the wrong person. My brilliant idea was to jump off a tiny bridge where I would probably have ended up getting stuck in the marsh and froze or if I got lucky drowned to death. Not that drowning would have been fun or lucky, just quicker than freezing. Anyway, based on the comments Helium doesn’t sound super effective either.
May I make a suggestion? How about not killing yourself..?
Nikster, did you find what you were looking for?
@afterlife I found a source through the suicide method google group, but it would take weeks to get here because it comes from China 🙁 So I am just going to go with the helium since it’s local and easy to obtain and hope for the best since it’s worked for other ppl. Someone sent me a video for how to set up everything…using two tanks vs 1 is recommended.
nikster, if you feel the source is reliable, I would be interested. Please email Thanks.
Nikster, if you want I’ll head to Mexico with you. I already live in Southern California so it’s not that far for me. I had hesitations about going alone since I thought it’d look suspicious if it was just me crossing the border, but with two it’s a non issue.
I’ve been at the end of my rope for years, and I was beginning to wonder if I was going to have wander into the worst parts of LA to hopefully find a gun, but ******** works for me as well. Trying to obtain it through an Internet seller is pointless – I’ve already lost over 6 grand doing that nonsense. Dunno, if you’re interested hit me up at
Ugh. So irritating. Every time an email is linked it gets flagged for moderation. This site frustrates the hell out of me. Nikster if you want to go to Mexico, I’ll go with you. My email should be available on the comment page.