i find myself waking up places i dont remember getting to. in situiations any normal 16 year old shouldnt be in. in the back of a car going 120 on a freeway with a person you dont know driving. i black out (and im not on drugs) and just wake up. idk whats going on. i think im going insane
Id be guessing psychological episodes? recomend seeing a professional of some sort and possibly telling ur parents would be a good idea
You say no drugs, okay.
Do you drink alcohol ?
I’m an AA member,………… there is a thing we call an alcoholic blackout. It can happen with one beer, …………. people can function for days, end up in other cities during these blackouts.
If you drink, this may be what is casuing your issues, the only solution is complete abstinance from booze in any form.
There’s a condition called narcolepsy… causes you to pass out asleep uncontrolably so you often wake up in random places. Or, is it more like a sleepwalking thing? like a different part of you takes over and gets you into weird situations?
Yeah, what they said. If you’re not ingesting chemicals, then I would look for a neurologist first, figure out if there’s a physical cause. If not, then look for a psychiatrist and let them evaluate you. Then look for a therapist.
David V
My guess is something is going on, on another level that has nothing to do with insanity, otherwise you would not have the presence of mind to share it with all the lovely people on this forum. So, you are in touch. Let’s define insanity cause people throw the word around a lot and I’d love to apply it to myself but I don’t get the luxury.
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. You ain’t it.
If it’s any consolation, reality moves so fast for me, I have no memory or administrative say in how the day unfolds, I find myself all over the place and have no idea how it happens. There’s a lot of unexplainable experiences going on, on the planet that defy language or a way to express it…it’s whacked…I’ve learned to say, oh that’s interesting, that’s interesting….keeps you from drawing conclusions that we don’t have the answers to. Good luck!
🙂 Insanity: Not accepting the delusions of the masses. Thinking for yourself. 🙂