I don’t even know where to begin but here it goes my name is Martin Lopez and I haven’t been on here in a while.. Because what I had that made me the happiest guy I could ever be has left me. So I met this girl four years ago on an online game we talked for a bit and she had a bf which didn’t treat her that well, they got in a fight and I was there by her side to comfort her. Then things started getting better we started talking texting and talking on the phone. We were both so happy and I was falling for her, until one day I told her I loved her she was so happy she didn’t know what to say and then the next day she told me she loved me too. We talked all night from there on telling eachother what bothers us, I felt like I could tell her anything and then she would be there for me that’s how good I felt.. I knew that one day I would marry this girl cause we had so much in common and we never argued or fought. Are fighting was problem solving as I would say and she agreed. Everything was amazing until I met someone in rl and not on a game. She was cool and we hanged out a lot. When I was hanging out with this girl the one I met online was hanging out with a guy too. And so I told the online girl that I’m going to be dating the rl life girl and i hurt her… The biggest mistake I could have ever done in my life cause I wanted to marry the online girl and I still had feelings but she lived so far away and it was hard. It ended by the rl life girl treating me like shit and the online girl broke up with that guy and we were back to talking again. We were friend’s of course in the beginning and then we got back right where we left off I was more in love with her then I ever was and I promised myself that this girl is the one for me, I would never hurt her ever again. I wanted her to be my gf, she didn’t want to cause she was afraid of getting hurt. I asked her so many times to the point where she finally said yes but it wasn’t cause she wanted to it was because I wanted it which made everything good at first but I didn’t know she didn’t have feelings for me and she told me she just wanted to be friend’s it caused so much pain on me.. Then she tells me to stop talking to her but no matter what i was to do anything to get her back.. She said that I’ve been harassing her, but I haven’t been doing any of that. I’ve been continuously texting and calling her to get her back and tell her how I feel. So I wouldn’t be harassing her, I would never do that I’m not that kind of a guy and I wish I had proof that it’s not me so she’ll see differently in me. I’m not a bad guy and I’m being judged for something that someone else is doing to her and that’s not fair to me… So now I sit here and I can’t talk to her cause she said if you care about me you’ll leave me alone and I care about her more then anyone else does in the whole world… Idk what to do I can’t move on, I can’t stop thinking about her, I still am deeply in love with her, I still want a family and kid’s with her.. But it just seems like now that will never happen even if I wished on it.
Forgive yourself & other humans,..because this *earthly* life is not perfect…and we’re all only humans…we made mistakes.
and besides, we all live only ONCE in this earthly life, so that’s why many people made mistakes in their life, because you can’t simply turn back time and repeat life..
So forgive yourself (& others), free yourself from all the restricting guilts,
keep learning,
and keep doing the Best & worthwhile while you’re still given a chance to exist and alive here in this physical world…
Martin, you did mess up dear sir. You should not have over looked her for some girl nearby..I’m sorry. I know exactly how you feel. You love her more than anyone else in the world so make her happy and let things be. Honestly…don’t forget her, just say goodbye for now and hope for a better future? Trust me :c I feel biased writing this lol
i know i messed up big time so many regrets are on my back right now and i cant get them off. i was immature at the time and it wasn’t to my mind at first that she was the one. but thanks im not putting my head down in the sand yet, things will get better in the future.
LMAO two guys that supposedly loved the same girl and have fucked her over are sharing thoughts together she played you both now get on with your lives.
I am moving on dumbass 🙂
I wa just trying to make Martin feel better.
I got what I deserved no doubt about that.
Oh well whatever, leave Martin alone.
so the question is who made that post. either it was martin because he loves her so much or you because you are trying to make martin feel better. i don’t know but this sounds fishy to me.
What post.? And do you even know who I’m talking about.
its funny because she’s on this site because of nate aka AtTheEnd
and you’re on this site because of her
maybe you two should compare notes
the fake kaylee post from the other day that seems to be missing all of a sudden
She wasn’t on this site because of me dumb ass.
If you actually knew her you would know.
In fact who are you? Nobody, that’s who.
that goes to show how much you actually know her, who’s the dumb ass now, dumb ass.
he’s probably another guy that got hurt by her and he’s doing this to make himself feel better. idk who you are dude but fuck you, i don’t give a shit what you say. like i said it’s not me and it got reported.
how can one get hurt when there’s nothing for her to hurt? dumb asses tend to stick together lol. i bet both of you are conspiring to see which one she turns to first to make yourselves feel better.
by the looks from your post your just a random guy that’s been commenting on her posts saying how good she looks. you don’t know me or her so just stay out of it.