you are the main reason im so sad and depressed. i hate both of you with every fiber of my being. you raised me wrong… like completly wrong. you were to strick to much of a ***** and an asshole and you didnt trust me from day one. your the reason why i did everything that i did and why i continue to do everything that i do. one day when i cant find the strength to live any more and i do take my life…. i hope to fucking god you read this and know its your fault.
I’m with you! I loathe my fucking parents and can’t wait for my mother to die already. My father died in 2000 and all I could say was “one down, one to go.”
I had a horrible childhood and teen years with parents, father was a real asshole, (when he died in June 2008 he and which the worst father sone realtionship) ended up being the best friend I had.
Mom is still alive, mom and I had different problems. Yet I really don’t have any solid hard wired I’m going to fall apart when she dies.
As a kid I never saw their relationship as 2 people which were in love, I saw my father kiss my mom maybe twice. They’re the onse that are supposed to be managing our lives for us while maintaining a healthy loving relationship beyween themselves.
2 adults, 6 kids alot of bills for what my father was making back in the 60’s and 70’s I’m just saying to see them as carnival jugglers, balancing all that stuff can cause distancing of parent to child.
Parents are just people, and most people suck. I love both my parents, but they’re both real fuck-ups at parenting, both gave me all kinds of complexes to get over, and are hard to be around for more than a few hours. One thing that’s nice is that when you are older, as long as you don’t have to move back in with mom and dad, you can choose to just do holidays, if that. 🙂