I wake up every morning and think please God not this again. Put on a fake smile, laugh and pretend. Pain on the inside, but no one can see. Like being stranded on an island longing to be free. Don’t know how much longer I can bear this weight. Must think of something before its too late. The only thing keeping me alive is fear. The passing of each day and the falling of each tear. I don’t know how much longer until it will all end. But for now I’ll continue to pretend.
Same here..
I always wish I can get out from this filthy, limited physical body,
and transcend to another dimension/life (if there is)..
and escape from this limited, mundane human’s reality.
I wish I know how to get out from this fucking Matrix…like Neo did.
Fuck, give me superpower like Neo, please..! Can u hear me, God? Do u exist???
i hide behind gauze and smiles,
Gosh i really hate putting on that fake mask
It really truly sucks…
I have put on that same mask every day for the last ten years. When I finally decide to go it will blow peoples mind that know me. They will probably say “he was one of the happiest people I ever knew, what would make him do that?”
i know exactly how you feel. i used to sit in class and try and fight back tears cause i was so unhappy. im sorry you feel that way, i wish i could say this to you in person. but you are strong, you are beautiful, every battle you fight makes you stronger, i promise you can get through this. when you feel like giving up just remember you have someone there for you, whether you know it or not.
everyday there is another challenge, everyday seems wasted. Everyday invisible or exploited. And there seems to be only one hope left.
How sad is it when we need help the most we dont allow ourselves to be helped by others and suffer in silence or rage or fear or selfloathing why do we do it to ourselves?are we too strong to ask for help or just afraid?when im suisidal i wont tell anyone although its hard to hide deep depression im terrified of another trip to the nut house and ive had more than my fair share peace to everyone keep talking vulnerable have you tried tranquilizers?i mean to stop the anxiety?alprazolam is great turns it right off