My Sister was tailking about when I got sexual abused. She keeps on taunting me. So I just hit her and we was fighting and the street. The neighbors had too break us up. My mom wasn’t here but if she was she would’ve yelled at my sister. Well my sister been making fun of me ever since I was young but since she live and my house I cant avoid her are what she says.
You have to ignore her, you have to walk away, she really is a horrible person, i hate to talk bad about your family but she really is terrible. You must avoid her when you can, do anything to shut her out, take deep breaths, if she starts talking, tune her out, trying to fight her is almost exactly what she wants, she thrives off making you miserable, don’t let her. Maybe one day she will understand what she’s been doing, how horrible this is, and grow the fuck up. When your both home, put in headphones, go in a room, close the door. Anything you can think of, DO IT. If she does not realize it some day it may be time one day (not anytime soon i think tho) to tell her exactly what she is and how terrible of a person she is, you would have to use your best judgement. What you tell us now i doubt she’ll even listen for a while. So all you can do is keep to yourself. It really saddens me that a human, a sibling even can be like this. But you are strong, and you will probably be one of the greatest and strongest woman as an adult. You already seem like one, but enjoy your years now with people your age and you’ll get through this! Keep it up there tear drop :)!
nicely said crewde
Yes you are unique, sounds really fucked up. Would like to know what you choose