Well I be feeling sad and mad all the time for no reason. I’t just pop up on me!!!! I want to go back to school but they told me I had to go to alternative school. I really don’t want to !!! I hang around all grown man and Drug dealors. A couple of them tried to have sex with me but I wasn’t shock because I’m use to men doing me like this. I’m so mature for my age that people my age follows me. Well they parents think I’m a bad influence. Well I always hanged with people older then me. IDK why , the people my age is cool but I don’t hang out with them as much as i hang out with grown people.
1 comment
Is there absolutely no way you can go to a regular school? If there is any possible way, take that possibility. Tear drop, again my advice would be to stop hanging around with them, it’s for your own good, may i ask why you do hang around them? They have no strong morals and will get you nowhere in life, they are only dragging you down! Again you must take it down a few notches, definitely stop hanging out with older people. The reason i believe you are is because of the past experiences you explained earlier, and that you’ve been through more then any kid your age should have. You have to starting hanging out with people your own age, and if they follow you, suggest things like the mall and things you can do just with them, not with grown men or drug dealers. Those men are completely manipulative and again will keep dragging you down! You are strong and if those grown men text you or anything just say you can’t, do whatever you can to avoid them. It’ll just get worse with time. If you make life a lot simpler (being with kids your own age and doing what most kids do at 13) you’ll feel A LOT happier i promise! You are stronger then almost any person i have ever met, and i feel you can get out of this hole that others dug for you! I dont think theres really anything you can blame on yourself, unless you continue to hang around these people dragging you and the best years of your life down!