I want to tell them it’s over. That they pushed me over the edge. They made me cutt so hard that i hit a vein and i bleed so much. I hate she thinks she gets no attention when he pays her money just to do good. How she has that guy who loves her the most, yet she hates him. They will see what they do to me. I broke because of them. I’m over the edge. Watching and waiting for that sweet , sweet death. I have never bleed so much. I thought it would hurt, but really i feel nothing. Emotionless and numb. Still. Over is where i am…
I am so sorry.
Stop blaming other people for where you are now. Maybe they’re a factor – but you LET yourself get to this stage. Seek help; do something to make the situatiob better, instead of wallowing in your bubble of self pity. You ca change the circumstances; you can move on from whatever the past held. Right now, you’re the only person you can blame. \do something about it.