i have decieded to end my life, im ganna kill myself at 3:05 2day, if u think i shouldnt tell me before 3:05. GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have decieded to end my life, im ganna kill myself at 3:05 2day, if u think i shouldnt tell me before 3:05. GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Are you serious deathbug? If you’re just trying to get attention that’s not a very nice thing to do. People here (me included) really take it to heart when someone says they are going to off themselves. And anyway, you shouldn’t rely on someone else to tell you what to do with your life.
yes i am and its not 4 attention i acually hate alot of attention, i just cant stand my mom and the kids at school, i relie on other people because i cant ever relie on my decians wat do u think o should,do kill myself, or, get bullied by students and beat by my mom. witch one.
Neither is a good option. How old are you?
im 16 how old are u
I’m 20. Have you tried to tell anyone that your mom is abusing you?
i cant i liv in the woods, i dont have service,1bar 4 wi-fi,and i go to school online.
Don’t. Please.
It’s the things around you making you want to do it, and it sounds like you’re in real danger where you are. If I were you I’d get away from where you are as fast as possible. Find a phone and call the police. Get somewhere safe. Your life sounds more than enough to make you or anyone desperate to leave, but it’s not the only way to escape. Promise, deathbug.
read ur post titled “wat should i do” …i posted some helplines there ‘if’ u are genuine …
I agree with Trix. If your problems come from outside, they can be changed.
Even if it’s a long way, can’t you walk out of them?
i have no idea wat the heck u me.
i actully really believe you were gone. Im cant beileve it > v< why do i always get fool by people.
i was but then thegoongirl kept me talkin and a couple other people, but i still want to die.
Deathbug please talk to a professional. I no longer believe anything you say because you have already lied enough on this website. No one can help you if you’re not going to be honest. Please seek professional help
If you can just take it twenty minutes/an hour/a day at a time, stay here. It’s much harder to overcome feeling suicidal if it’s all coming from the inside. Of course it’s as terrible and painful either way, but you can feel better. The feelings (definitely the worst) are coming from other people; don’t let them ruin your life. Please don’t let them take it away forever. You’re worth much more and if you get out of this you’ll get more, and however impossible it seems, you can. I didn’t think of it at first but you could contact a service online. Obviously we’re all here to talk to, but can’t shield you from the things around you.
Yeah, some honesty would be nice…
I’m a little confused by your posts deathbug.
multiple personality dissorder 😀
I suppose that’s possible Dr procel.
thank u mammy :-p
deathbug you are a troll no offense
ah no