sometimes I wish I wasn’t here.. I wonder why I was even born or why I haven’t bothered to die yet.. why have I stayed even though sometimes in life I’m so close to being gone? everyone says you look so tough and that you have no issues your life is perfect. you get everything you want. well no. my life isn’t perfect. I strive to be perfect I strive to be what everyone wants me to be and I fail. deep inside I’m weak. I’m not strong. I wanna run up to people and curse them out for all the mean and hurtful things they’ve done to me cuz people don’t care… what has this world come to…? does anyone care…? will anyone ever care…?
Don’y strive to be perfet because perfect doesnt exists. Rather just aim to be good or at least better. Bit by bit.
The stairway to an easy life is out of order. You have to take the steps. One at a time …
You have to listen to people! Some of your close friends love you to death and they know you are tough! sometime we don’t want to listen but sometimes friends are right! They are people in your life that love you! listen to what they have to say when they try helping you get through a ruff patch! They are trying to help! Accept it and see how much better you will feel! Trust me!