HeHe What Fun! Today my brother saw me jump of a 50 story rooftop what he did not see was me pulling my parachute! And I am sorry for the post he made, he thought I was dead. Only  he thought I was dead, I told my family! Oh hehe, I do love pulling pranks. It is the last thing i Can love in this world. Though my death date is still March 14th :(. And today is the worst, i was going to ask my now dead girlfriend to marry me! I thought it would be so romantic to ask her to marry me on valentines day, oh god now i’m crying again! Loverboy Signing Out!
Well i will admit i do love cliff diving and parachuting but normally i tell someone before i do it. Well i am glad to know you are alive. Welcome back.
I’m so sorry, We’re here if you need us.
And you do know you’re in from your brothers account.
WTF. This is not a place to pull pranks, kid.
Hello Loverboy… or should I say deathbug. I remember you from your other bizzare posts under a differnt username a few months ago. Back then, I told you: You have pissed off enough people, but you are still clearly in need of help, so I suggested you change usernames and come back and repost when you are prepared to start telling the truth. Well, I’m sad to see you only took the first part of my advice.
I understand you want attention. Now you need to understand this is not the way to get it. You clearly are troubled and need help, but no one can help you until you start telling the truth. However, given that we gave you a second chance and you lied to us again, I think you need help beyond what we can offer. You very seriously need to be talking to a proffessional about your problems. Call the free hotline on the home page of this site and they can help you find a councillor.
Who the fuck is deathbug!!!!!! I am now dead, literally, I am dead. I have tried various ways of suicide, cutting, going on rooftops pussying out, drowning, hanging, but now for the grand finnale someone else is going to shoot me. So fuck you, you don’t know me, what I’ve been through. How fucking dare you come in here calling me a liar, you didn’t see your cousin shoot himself with a shotgun, you didn’t have you’r girlfriend kill herself before your eyes. So one_day, fuck you and the rest of you who agree with him.
I don’t think you mean “literally” death, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to type, would you?
Also, “your” ** not “you’r”
@Life Death, I was wondering how old you are. Love is a funny thing. Some people find it and others spend there lives looking for it, but believe you me there is other things then a girlfriend or a boyfriend. I am sorry about your girlfriend. And your brother. You have my best regards. I say this a lot and most people are probaby tired of me saying it, but it can get better. Rock bottom is hard my friend. I have been there and I am only 13. I don’t think you need a couselor. I think you just need someone to guide you and care. I may not know you but I care for you. I have seen a lot of things in my life that some people don’t even get the chance to see until they’re way older. I think you have a lot going for you. There is a brilliant mind in your skull. I also apoligize for your cousin. I am so sorry. There us a lot of pain in your life. If you need a hand my arms may be weak, but I will do anything in my power to lift you up. Email me a hollymarie51@rocketmail.com, if you need ANYTHING I am here.
@one_day, I don’t think saying these things is very nice. You are on a suicide website saying insenstive things is never caring. We never know what goes on behind closed doors or behind a screen. I highly doubt you know Life Death in person, nor do I, but I really don’t think you should be judging him, for you wouldn;t like to be judged. We are all just human, and you should seriously consider rethinking things beofre you comment. I am not trying to be a ***** or ignorant, if it seems like that I am sorry, but I don’t want a person in pain going through basically bullying over a suicide website. It may sound childish, for I am only 13, but wheather your 13 or 52 you can still be bullied. We all go through pain. I’m sorry if it feels I am attacking you, for that is not what I intended to do.
Karma – you get what you give
Good Luck
Lifedeath – no i don’t know about you seeing your cousin shoot himself. This is the first you’ve spoken about it. Maybe you’d be better off talking about things like that, honest things, rather than pulling pranks on people. This is what I meant when I said – no one can help you until you stat telling the truth.
@holly – I think you’re a really kind hearted person to stick up for lifedeath. but I also think you are a bit young and niave. Honestly, someone who things it’s funny to fake their own death IS seriously disturbed and DOES need to see a councillor. My intention is not to bully. But the fact is, when people post about their death, it’s really upsetting for other people. very manipulative. So the main realin why I choose to call bullshit on bullshitters is because I can’t bear the idea of all these other people getting really upset over a stupid prank.
@one_day, I was confused by his post.. I didn’t realize what was reading. I do agree with you. That faking your death is no joke. I don’t find myself naive, I have seen many things in my life. I find that offensive, and I may be young but I have had a lot of experience in sadness. You don’t know me, nor do I or you know Life Death, I read Death Bugs post. I am quite confused, but faking your death is kinda immature and just sick. I think a couselor should work. I just got what he posted. Sorry.
@holly – like I said, I think you sound like a really sweet person, kindhearted. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be patronising calling you niave. I guess i am 30 and I look back and see that I was niave when I was young, even though I had seen a lot and been through I lot.
Maybe I just meant… a bit too trusting. It’s not a bad quality at all, actually. Endearing…
@one_day, thanks. Sorry I was being kinda defensive I just hate when people unestiamte me, because I am so young.
Robinhoooooo 2-0 Milan 🙁
@holly i totally empathise with being underestimated because of your age. But no one who has read your posts could ever think you were stupid or unintelligent
Sometimes I think they see me as childish and unsophisticated. And in your other comment, when you said stay green, that mean gulible? I am so confused.
Holly you are young. So even if people see you as childish… is that really a bad thing?
When I say stay green, I mean, stay fresh. Not gullible. Umm… optimistic.
Well, it depends on what they mean by childish. Cuz’ childish means immature, and ahh I see.
@holly I guess its one of those things… the word childish has bad connotations when applied to an adult. But it really just means ‘childlike’. there’s nothing wrong with being childlike if you are, in fact a child.
Yep people tell me to grow up all the time.
Although I am fundamentally flawed, I think that they are far worse and I certainly wouldn’t want to trade places no matter how much money they have.
I worked with a women who was fat, ugly had no personality and she always put this girl down who was young, good looking, funny and kind. So I just told it like it was.
You know what thank you holly, you stuck up for me and I thank you for that.I also love your posts, I especially like the one with the vampires and shape-shifters.
@Life Death, your welcome. Thanks(: That was a quarter of a story I began to write. hen I finish I’ll let you read it(: