So it’s not really getting any better. I was informed by my exs bestfriend that he will be back Monday. Because of him the hole school knows how screwed up I am and I know when he gets back all the crap is going to start again. Its pretty bad that there is a group of people at this school that hang out because we are suicidal. But we all look normal so it’s not like we are the emos. The only one that hasn’t try to kill theirself is a guy named Austin that has for some reason taken a liking to me. But i don’t like my group of friends. Hanging out with more depressed people make me want to slit my wrist. My life is just a black hole.
Yeah. Maybe you gotta get away from those friends. If they make you worse, maybe it’s better to have no friends at all… or maybe you can all try to help each other get better? Isn’t that what friends are supposedly for?
i felt the same wway, what i did was stop beiing friends with everyone, i mean yeah ill talk to people every now and then but i usally keep to myself cause i need to get better and be happy before i can be haopy around others.
I don’t know if I can do it with no friends at all.
In life you dont always have tp accept what others around you say and think, especially if they are negative. Maybe you are all waiting for someone to help bring them out of their negative cycle? maybe that person might be you one day? A leader who helps others rather then a person that blindly follows?
You’re stronger and smarter then you think. Think positive. It’s the ‘starting point’ to all life and good things….
Take Care