I woke up this morning with the one who walked away in my head. Then I had to see her. I can’t stop crying and I have a job interview in just under an hour. I really believe if I left this planet nobody would even notice at first. My Facebook friends would still be sending me game requests I am not answering anyway. My crew at the karaoke bar I frequent would go on drinking and singing. I doubt anyone would really even care.
Siren…3 words for you…Get it together…there will be time to cry and hate yourself after the interview…I know how you feel…I have been in the exact same situation before….you will give your mind more ammo to make you feel worse if you don’t do this interview right okay?
Remember these things and ignore whatever the hell your mind says to you:
1. You are beautiful/ handsome
2. You are good at what you do…if you weren’t you wouldn’t have landed yourself an interview in the first place
3. You are qualified.
4. You need this job.
5. This is a priority!
6. You are awesome and trust me the karoke crew would miss you dearly! They love you bc you make the world a better place and there is one more kind and caring person in this world bc you are here 🙂
we all fell fucked up sometimes, just let your emotions go, dont take them seriously