I wanna just stay home. Locked up in a small room with no contact to the outside world. All alone. Wouldn’t life be great that way? All alone with no one to talk to. No one to care. Sounds just so fun!
I wanna just stay home. Locked up in a small room with no contact to the outside world. All alone. Wouldn’t life be great that way? All alone with no one to talk to. No one to care. Sounds just so fun!
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Just play world of warcraft. Most players think like you do.
I don’t understand…
This is My “life”, i live in total isolation from the outside world, am 26, & the more isolated you keep yourself the more distance you have from “reality” ( societies reality anyway ), i spent allot of years regressing, yet regression and projection are the same… i just want to leave my house and die, my one wish is to erase my existence from the minds of my family, my only burden. greetings
what your words really mean & what you speak of is
that you want to crawl back into your mothers womb.the place that is so safe so warm.
Didn’t you used to come here a lot? Your name seems familiar?
no sorry, i used to come here but stopped, as reading so many tragic threads, just never-ending blackness in a bottomless black pit is how i know this place, even though, there is meaning to people commenting , it is healthy to unburden oneself of their catharsis, like a toilet for the mind
sorry i meant to say regression and ‘progression’ are the same.
all alone in a room by yourself ? it’s called a padded room in a hospital and it comes with a free restraint jacket. color may be optional. not sure.
you can hide from the world in your little room for awhile, but eventually the world will come looking for you in one way or another.