I think it is very hard to disagree that these people are the most insperational indaviduals on this site. They post helpful comments and are nice people considering some people i could name, *cough* one_day *cough*. So thank you Owen and Holly for all the help you have given. And one last question from me, WHO THE FUCK IS DEATHBUG?!?
I definitely agree. Two of the most inspirational people I’ve ever seen. There are many others too. Thanks for all the help everyone. 🙂
Oh thank you so much(: I apperciate that so much(: You have just made my day a million times better, if you need anything just ask(:
I liked Deathbug.
@causeway, whos deathbug?
Deathbug was posting here a couple of months ago. He told us all sorts of amusing crap, like how he was locked in a room and his mom was coming for him with a knife, and then she killed him so his sister posted to tell us he was dead, and then deathbug reappeared to tell us he was still alive. It was like watching a 70s horror movie with the sound switched off.
Oh my gosh.. Sounds so unrealstic..
Well, I think he was just some kid having a laugh. Was funny though. 🙂
You thought that was funny? What if it was true..?
well obviously its not so….. it was funny! lol
@holly… please search ‘deathbug’s posts and then see how closely the pattern resembles Life death.
@lifedeath – I’m sorry you are hurting I really am. But that is no excuse to hurt other people. And you are hurting other people – by falsely posting you are dead on this site, you hurt people here. By ‘faking’ your death in front of your family, you are seriously hurting them. I hape you do find someone you can speak to because you do need to talk about what is going on with you.
@Holly, I did. And I realize.. now. I apoligize.
You know what look at his e-mail address and look at mine! So fuck you I did not fake my death, I told my family, but pulled a severe prank on my brother, Deathbug is not me, I swear!
Lifebug, you just outed yourself. On this site, there is no way to see soneones email address unless they have commented on your post. Deathbug has never commented on any of your posts. Therefore, how would you know his email?
People dont like to be tricked. I beg you, please get help