why is it that simple stuff like my best friend texting me I miss you or my guy friend giving me a hug or my sister telling me she loves me bring tears to my eyes. I want to be able to tell them I’m leaving. I want to be able to tell them I am think about killing myself. But I can’t. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. I cry and cut everyday. I’m dead on the inside. I’m not who I was. I’m gone it’s just my body now and I’m not sure how long that will be here.
I once felt the same before, its because you feel guilt about it. You want to tell someone but afraid of how they would react, or how they will see you after you tell them. You’re not alone, man towns offer anonymous counseling and only tell your parents only with your consent. I would suggest that you give counselling a try before you make any rash decisions.
That’s probably the hardest thing, telling people how you feel and think. It was the same problem I experienced when I tried to hang myself and in the end it proved to much for me to handle.
You’re not dead on the inside. You can get through it. There’s good things in life and you have the support you need (: The only reason I wanted to die was because I was depressed. Now that I’m on medication there’s not much I’m disappointed with, but sometimes I just pretend I want to die because I don’t want to try.
I am on meds. Too much for my age. I don’t know what to do.
at anything that takes effort
i understand. i do the same thing too. i think the same. talk to someone close to you, tell them how you feel.