I say that im fine but im going insane. I tell people that I feel good but im in a lot of pain. I say its nothing but its really a lot. I say im okay but really im not….How can you understand me when I can’t understand myself? you tell me everythings gonna be okay. how do you know that??? i want to end this all. the person i love…the one i fell for now hates me. i cant carry on living. the purpose in life is to find your happiness. ive never found mine. EVER. im covered in scars from shoulder to wrist on both arms. my thighs are covered. who’s gonna love me when i look this ugly?….even when i try and be happy….there’s always something, some memory that gets me down. i hate living…..KILL ME NOW. PLEASE. I BEG. take this pain away:’c
One part of life may be finding and maintaining happiness… but there are so many other parts to life, too. As you’ve written, life can be pretty complicated. I’m sorry about your relationship. Please don’t stop trying… There could be so much more in your future. Right now, it may be difficult to remember the good times. Take a moment to catch your breath and see what you can do to move forward. If you would like to talk, many here will listen.
i dont think i can carry on.
its not just about the relationship…im going through so much right now.
im stressed, depressed and very hurt.
i dont know what to do…
i dont want to die, i just want this pain to stop.
You mentioned that you’re not sure what to do… A lot of us are at that same juncture. I don’t want you to experience pain…. and I don’t want you to end that pain by giving up. There has to be a solution. I know that you’re stressed at the moment… and I have experienced enough depression to not wish it on anybody… but the pain can stop while you continue to live. Please remember that.
I feel as though I deserve this pain…that it’s a must that I self inflict it…I’ve been suicidal for a number of years. it’s just I see no point to continue living if I know that I’ll never ever achieve anything….life tells me that I suck so ba that I’ll never achieve anything because I’m a failure. ive decided that suicide is MY way out…it may not be the only way out…but it’s mine. nothings changing my mind anymore…I’m finally gonna do what ive waited so long to do.
Think about it… You might not have given yourself a good chance. If you don’t try, you can’t know ahead of time that you won’t achieve anything. Accomplishments don’t happen overnight. They often take a lot of effort. If you don’t try, there is nothing to fail at. You’re definitely not a failure. I hope you think about the things you like to do and consider pursuing them. If you have indeed waited so long, there is nothing wrong with giving yourself an honest chance to make things work.
I don’t know if I can<\3
no ones gonna love me..
no one will accept me…
I'm seriously considering all my options.
hopefully it'll be the right choice. I just…I don't know.
Perhaps it’s important for you to love and accept yourself first. I know you’ll make the right choice… You have too much potential. Give yourself a chance.
I’ll try to hang on.
I’m making no promises…
thank you for your help, dear.
Just remember… If you need to talk, there are many here who will listen.
..no one ever listens to me ha.
Aye many of us are here if you need to vent or talk more.
Thank you for at least trying to hold onto life.
….thank you for being here:)
You don’t deserve what is happening to you. None of us do.
I pray for someone to kill me too. Does t work too well. Wish it did.
Ill love you with or without the scars:)I prefer you with the scars so I won’t be the only one with scars:/
@ lifeishorribe im pretty sure everyone has scars on this site either physical or emiotional or both haha.
@pale-rainbow i use lots of my posts to vent too( i just joined this site a few weeks ago), i feel alot like u do, i have never really found happiness either and i always say im fine when inside im screaming…try to hang in there 🙂
guys….I tried to kill myself yesterday..I’ve been in hospital all night lastnight but I’ve been allowed to come home today…I’m relieved that I’m still here but I’m also frustrated that it didn’t work>.<
For there to be a rainbow it has to rain. Maybe the outlook is not as gloomy as you think. We are just thankful it didn’t work.