Yeah I’m a new member here so I just wanted to get this out. I’ve been feeling trapped and useless and a buch of other things. I’m sorry if it seems like I’m just complaining but everything seems screwed up and I feel like its all my fault. I just don’t see a future or a point to it anymore and it’s not like I’m going to hurt myself but sometimes I just wish I’d get hit by a car and die or have to stay in the hospital. I don’t want to tell anyone about this because they’re just gonna think its hormones or I’m just overreacting or something. I don’t know what to do anymore it feels like everyone expects me to be this always happy loudmouth and all I really want to do scream my lungs out and cry.
I felt the same way when I was a teen. I’m now 22. If you are a teen, it’s probably hormones… I’m not minimizing what you are going through, most teens go through some very dark shit. It’s just that when your younger, it’s harder to find coping mechinisms to trudge on through all the crap life throws at you. When I was younger, the smallest things would send me to the edge. But as I’ve got older, I’ve dealt with some very horrific stuff, and now I barely even break a sweat. Actually, I’m so numbed, I don’t kjnow what to think. Many people that are much better off in life snap, and I wonder how I could have survived this long. I’m not particulary strong or anything, I think I’ve just mellowed out through the years.. I swear, give it 2-3 years, and you’ll see for yourself. You”ll curse your hormones that tried to hijack these golden years. If you build a good support system for yourself, I’m sure you will make it out alive! And tip; it’s good to cry it out of your system sometimes. SHOUT! SHOUT, LET IT ALL OUT.
Thanks because I’ve just been feeling like crap for months now and I don’t want to get anyone worried. At school and at home I just wanna explode on everything and at other times I want to lock myself in the basement and cry my eyes out for no reason
It’s probably a hormone imbalance. I’ve just recently came to the conclusion that there are three types of depressed individuals. Some that are wired that way (chem. imbalance of the brain, OR normal teen hormones going haywire -happens to almost all teens, including me when I was younger-, OR people who are made depressed by experiencing horrible abuses in life at the hands of strangers, family, and the gov’t.) Currently, I fall into the last group. I can’t do nothing, not even talk to a counsellor or shrink because I am basically being held hostage by my mentally instable family. But there is hope for you.. you WILL grow out of this depression, and you WILL prosper and live a good life if you decide to seek help and support from friends and fam. I wish I could have a had a chance to seek help, but this, TODAY, being here talking 2 U is the closest think to getting anon. support without endangering myself and family’s identity. first time to talk to other human beings in a very long time. Just know that that crappy feeling will fade away for you, I PROMISE u.
Thank you I really needed that I don’t know the future or your family but you seem like a very nice person so I hope you’ll be able to work things out.
Thank you so much, I am happy that I could help you. it made me forget about all the bad things.. You seem like a good person too, and I know you have so much to give to other’s, I can sense that your company brings happiness to friends and family alike. Keep being the loveable loudmouth, and soon things will straighten out for you. 🙂 goodnight
Thank you so much, I am happy that I could help you. it made me forget about all the bad things.. You seem like a good person too, and I know you have so much to give to other’s, I can sense that your company brings happiness to friends and family alike. Keep being the loveable loudmouth, and soon things will straighten out for you. 🙂 goodnight