Lots of people on here say there is no God, im not trying to preach or anything seeing as i only go to church for funerals and weddings. But i do believe that there has to be something, do greater reason why we r on this earth other than just becoming furtilizer…im just voicing my personal beliefs if u disagree then no biggie, im not trying to preach my beliefs or belittle anyone elses…
I’m fine with no preaching. I say let people believe what they want, whatever comforts them.
Personally, I find all arguments for the existence of God( Christian version or not ) to be very weak. Ockham’s razor, why create God when a God is not necessary.
Guess I can’t disprove, so I’m agnostic but closer to atheist side.
My beliefs are pretty much the same as Will expressed. I claim agnostic simply because its pretty much impossible to prove there is no god and its not worth arguing about, but I am probably more of an atheist at heart. I tend to avoid religious discussions though since everyone already has their own beliefs and there isn’t any real evidence anyone could give for or against any of particular viewpoint that will change anyone’s mind. Would be nice to believe there was a next stop though.
It would be lovely if there was a God and heaven actually existed, but I don’t believe for a single second that it does.
teengirl, why do you think there needs to be a greater reason for our existence? Do you think there is a greater reason why ALL creatures exist? What about the billions of tiny ants? Do they have some sort of greater reason for existing? What about the dinosaurs? They lived on earth for millions of years – what was their greater reason for existing? Are they all now in dino-heaven somewhere, being looked after by their dino-God? What makes you think that humans are any different, just because we have evolved more intelligence (whatever that is) than other creatures?
hey guys. everybody has their own opinion and my best friend is agnostic,I think it’s important to be able to be friendly when we talk about our beliefs because “religion” is such a tricky topic. I completely agree with you though teengirl17. I’m a christian myself,and like I said before,my best friend is agnostic,she’s brilliant and all into science,but we get along great because we love each other and would never fight about it. I think discussions are good. just no fighting.:) my personal views are that,everything is evidence of God. everything is just so intricately put together,and so much bigger than we are our our ability to comprehend. but i don’t think this earth just happened by chance. I think theres way too much evidence of God for that to be true,his fingerprints are everywhere. the creation of the earth aside,there are billions of people all over the world and none of them look exactly like you.(lol,unless you have a twin,but even twins aren’t exactly the same.) if it was just nature,how could their be so many different faces?all in that little space,everybody has eyes and a nose and a mouth,and none of us are the same.it’s like we’re God’s canvas.i can’t “prove” anything to you,but i know in my own life experiences and prayer that God saved me. that doesn’t mean my life is all peachy-but i’m okay,and i think the point is just to love everybody and help everyone.I’ll pray for you,if you or anyone else ever want to talk i’m here okay? i love this song. it’s called blessings by laura story.listen if you want.:) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CSVqHcdhXQ