I saw this lady commit suicide. I was in the car with my mom. I saw a car in the ditch. I didn’t really think anything of it. A ways up I saw a lady standing by the side of the road. I told my mom to be careful because I thought she may be crossing. There was a truck in front of us. The lady jumped under the back wheels of the truck. My mom slammed on the brakes and we came to a stop only a few feet from her bloody body. She moved for a few seconds and then just stopped. She was dead. There was the most horrid look on her face. She looked terrified. My mom called 911. The truck driver stepped out of his car. I don’t think he at first realized that it was a human he had just ran over. When he saw her body, his face went completely white. Soon the ambulance showed up. They covered her with a bright yellow blanket tarp thing. The police came and started motioning the traffic through. I will never forget that terrified look she had on her face when she died.
That is terrible… I’m sorry you experienced that. It was difficult for me to read… but that was nothiing compared to what you and others actually experienced.
Last year, I was driving early one morning before the sun had come up. A person wearing dark clothing darted into the middle of the lane I was in… and then lingered there. I swerved into the next travel lane. Fortunately, there was no car there. I can’t say with certainty what this person was thinking… but I told myzelf they must have been trying to die. There was no other reason to explain what happened. It was a clear morning, there was a traffic light with a controlled crosswalk nearby, and yet it still happened.
I won’t put someone else in that position. After that experience, it was bad enough… and I hadn’t hit them. I couldn’t imagine what I would be experiencing had I hit them… Nor would I want to drag someone else into my own personal issue.
My mom used to take in old people as boarders, people who didn’t want to go to a retirement home. She’s seen maybe 5 different people die right in front of her. She said some of the people were terrified, while others were totally at ease. One old guy bowed his head at the kitchen table and never looked up or said a word. Died just like that. I guess its different for everybody…..those final seconds of consciousness.
That is so sad but it is a fact of life. People feel so low that they do not think about what impact their actions will have on a persons life.
Hello Sono,
The question you asked is “Why was she so scared?” Too many possibilities to answer…and we’d have to ask her now wouldn’t we? First thought….change of heart…and anyone that has seriously attempted will understand this. Also although the death was quick it was not instantaneous…and imagine the physical pain that body went through…that is why she looked like hell. Also, why did she do it?…How much emotional pain was she in to attempt like that in the first place?
My question is about your trauma…how old were you when you saw this? How was this explained to you? Did you have night terrors because of it? How has this affected your life and thoughts?
It happened three years ago. I was thirteen. My mom didn’t really explain anything to me if that’s what you’re asking. She hates the word suicide. It’s a “bad word” in our house. I suppose that’s why we didn’t talk about it. I was terrified. I would wake up and remember it and wonder if it were just a horrid dream. I had nightmares about it for months. Almost every night. In them I would try to save the lady. I could never get to her on time. I would yell for the truck driver to stop. No sound would come out of my mouth. He could never hear me. For awhile I was really scared to ride in the car, and if they made me I would sit in the back seat trying to not look at the road. My mom thought that I was so stupid. I’m scared to drive now. What if someone ran in front of me? I would never be able to swerve on time. I would kill them and it would be all my fault. I wish that I could just forget it.