Mainly again to the youth because their stories are just so harsh. And they usually can do nothing but be victimized because they are not old enough to legally leave, not able to sustain themselves, or the authority personnel will not or cannot help them.
Which means their lives consist of what others do to them. And they have no recourse except to just sit there and take it. Even through their efforts of trying to escape or get the situation handled better.
The reason I am aiming at the kids is that many of us adults have caused our own problems. That does not exempt us from hope or trying, but usually most adults are more used to dealing with the challenges for longer so it is many times easier to convince an adult to survive.  Several members of this site who always have good will are examples of that.
Kids, hang on. Especially if someone is doing something to you or neglecting you. Your demise will only prove them right. Your survival and success in addition to being a wonderful thing for you, may convince your adversaries that their actions may need improvement. That their flaws may need working upon. That their harsh treatment or their neglect of you was due to their own pain and that they can change.Â
Plus your survival will make you better at dealing in general. Persevering will allow you to learn that no matter how hard you work or how much you dream, you may still end up not getting anything that you want. Or you may get much or all that you want. Life is 50% effort/thinking and 50% random so nobody knows.
At least give yourself the chance to try it out on your own. To make your own helpfula dn harmful choices. To live as the embodiment of who you are and not just an accumulation of your environment.
1 comment
Good post… Other than to agree, I’m not sure what else I could add. Your point about the younger members is rock solid. After the school years, so much of life begins… whether it’s the working world, the military, starting a family, or going in a completely new direction. I’d do the best I could in school… build a solid foundation… and move forward when the time comes.