I didnt even drink on saturday because i knew id talk to her that night, today we only got to talk for a little bit, I’ll see her in person again on Tuesday. I’m crazy about her, just need to make it until Friday when we have our date. But 5 days seems like forever, and even if i do last, the only thing ive got to look forward to will be over, then i can be done with it, then it can be over…
I’m glad you’ve met this girl – if she’s got you to stop drinking and you’re just crazy about her, that sounds nice. Though why do you want to end it after the date? Do you think it will not go well? Sorry, I just don’t see why you’re going to end it when it sounds like you’ve just met a girl you’re crazy about.
im just trying to last until the date, the only reason im still able to hold on at all is her, which is kinda creepy considering this will be our first date, but my goal isnt to die after the date, its just to stay alive until the date
Oh okay – well I’m glad you’ve got something and someone to hold onto. Though I do hope you don’t put all those eggs in one basket… Don’t want one person being able to be the thing to finally break you down. Nah it’s not creepy, you’re just happy to even have the possibility and who wouldn’t? I thought you were saying you going to go after the date, so that’s why I was confused. Well I know you’ll hold onto then, and I hope your date goes well 🙂
yeah, i get the whole eggs and basket thing, but i dont even have any eggs. before i met her i was thinking of when i was going to try to end it, so i dont have any eggs, ive just got one basket…if that makes any sense. and thanks, i hope so too…im actually trying to think of what to wear right now, so i look “nice” while still looking like me, we’re gonna see a movie and get some frozen yogurt at this awesome place by the theatre, I’ll probably just spike up my mohawk again and wear pants and a shirt without holes…and wear shoes without holes. anyway, you can obviously tell i like her because of how im ranting about my fears over what to wear. ok, so thanks again for the hope and sorry for the long reply
oh yeah, im under 21 so as far as her getting me to stop drinking, its probably a lot better than if i could legally drink
I understand what you mean – one basket… I just like to try to not to allow someone else’s thoughts to control when I’m going to go… as hard as that is. Heh, well I’m sure you’ll look good and “nice”. Yea, maybe things without holes would be good lol. I really can tell – and movie plus some frozen yogurt sounds like a good time. I’m sure it’ll be a great date 🙂 Lol, don’t worry about long replies – I’ve written those before and I rant plenty, I’m fine with a bit of readin’.
Yeaaaa, I think being under 21 helps with that.
yeah, i’ll try not to, but im just hoping she is “the one” and itll all work out, it would be so much easier than more pain. and yeah, ive gotta find some clothes i have that are still in one piece, along with a jacket so that just in case she gets cold i can give her my jacket (not saying it will happen, but if it does i want to be prepared) and im hoping for it to be a great time, i think she is too, so hopefully all the hope will help. and cool, i get carried away easily whenever i start talking or writing. I used to not drink at all, but i got medically discharged from the military for anxiety, depression, and panic attacks that are so intense theyre classified as seizures, and whiskey seems to help fight off the panic attacks, so thats been my excuse, ive been meaning to stop, but i didnt even have a reason to until i met her. haha, a couple weeks ago she cracked a few jokes at my expense due to my hangover, although i was so happy that i was too drunk to find her number in my phone, cause i thought i drunk dialed her and blew my chances with her, i was actually drunk enough to save myself
I hope she is to, but also side note: Even if( and that is most definitely an if and of course I am wishing you the best and I have not lost hope or anything like that ) she isn’t “the one” it does show that there are people out there that can make you feel like this – and that’s good and amazing. Oh jeez look at you, getting all prepared. Well you are eating some frozen yogurt and it’ll be night, so it just may be needed. Yup, I’ve got plenty of hope for you. Heh, get carried away all you please. Ah, that doesn’t sound like fun…but I guess it worked and kills some pain too. Glad just the thought of her helps you stop though. Ha, yea I think some drunk dialing would be bad…never good, and only occasionally funny. Glad you saved yourself lol.
its funny how easy it is to talk to a complete stranger about real worries when the most i can say to people i know is “ive got a date on friday,” “yeah, shes really cool,” or the one i only said to some drunk friends “i cant find her number, i need to call her and tell her….(the point where i burried my face in the couch and went to sleep)” anyway, thanks for talking to a depressed kid thats more worried about a date on friday than actual planning for the future.
*distant future, that is
Yea, strange isn’t it? I don’t talk with any of my friends or family about what’s really in my head. May it be depression or a girl heh. Aye, most I would be able to say either. Ahaha aannndd *faceplant* into the couch. Oh trust me, I think I’d be worrying just as much or more than you – so don’t worry about it. Meh the distant future can wait, I mean it is distant after all. Nothing wrong about being excited and a little nervous about a date.
you are very wise indeed sir, but really i find it hilarious that people youve known your entire life are harder to talk to than a stranger online (maybe ironic is a better word, not sure but other people ive met on here are the same way). last night i already had trouble sleeping due to nervousness about the date, thats how pathetic i am, i can be the most charming guy ever to any girl…unless i know her and like her, then im screwed. and the only plan i have for the distant future is my zombie plan, is it likely to happen? no. but when it does happen, i’ll be ready.
Meh, wise not so much – I’m just agreeing with you. Aye, well I’ll just combine the two and say it’s hilariously ironic. Seriously, you’re sounding like me. Though it’s more of an in person thing I’ll just be purely screwed. Yes. You’ve always got to be prepared for the zombie apocalypse.
i can only talk to them once though, then theyre either psycho, stupid, both, or actually awesome and worth talking to, all of which result in me losing my ability to speak to them
and Im glad to see that someone else agrees, it seems like the future of mankind will fall on me (at least in my area) when the zombies strike….oh yeah, and this girl also has a zombie plan AND we’ve been discussing merging the 2…which is a very personal thing.
Lol, how lovely. Sounds ’bout right though. There are a few that can be friends though.
Aye, everyone needs a zombie plan. That’s the saying: Women plan for a wedding, men plan for a zombie apocalypse. Obviously stereotypical but nonetheless heh. Wait you’re combing into one? Okay, I forsee a keeper heh.
yeah, the combining of them is what me realize that this girl is perfect, i mean i thought i knew it before, but when we started talking zombie plans i KNEW
anyway though ive gotta crash now, its 2:10 and i got no sleep last night. i’ll talk to you later man
Aye. Again, best wishes.
Holy crap…another person on the West Coast, that’s rare. Lates.
why would you end it all after a date? see this girl out and see if she’s worth living